The AGH is proud to present Metamorphosis, the fourth online survey of artwork contributed by Hamilton secondary school art students, and collaboratively built between young Hamilton Artists, their teachers, and the AGH.
Major changes of physical form, substance, or structure are taking place all around us, at varying paces, at all times. These artworks observe and reflect on the constant state of metamorphosis that exists in our lives today.
Metamorphosis, Animation.
Ancaster High School.
Caelan A, Ava B, Jenna C, Janelle C, Caleb D, Elizabete E, Charlie F, Daniel H, Jessica J, Macee P, Eden R, Emily S, Abigail S, Katherine V, Jake W, Jayden A, Ella B, Alexis B, Lauren B, Taylor C, Abby C, Grace C, Alexander D, Mikaela H, Nika H, Fenn H, Nicole I, Alice K, Susanna L, Carly O, Justin Q, Maya R, William R, Mohsen S, Mannat S, Zainab S, Emma T, Claire V, Grace W, Ryan W.
Header Image: Elizabeth Aitchinson, A Medallion, Glass Beads. Sherwood Secondary School, Grade 11.
Exhibition Featured Image: McKenna S., A Small World, Linocut on Paper. Dundas Valley Secondary School, Grade 10.