The spectacular landscape of Cootes Paradise has been many things to many people over time, from a sustainable source of sustenance over thousands of years of Indigenous stewardship to a place to be exploited for human gain, a landscape to be protected for its rich biodiversity, and a source of inspiration for human creativity and wellness for all. This exhibition looks at Cootes Paradise through the eyes of artists and naturalists who have immersed themselves in its natural beauty, drawing from the archives and permanent collections of several area institutions including the Royal Botanical Gardens, Dundas Museum and Archives, Local History and Archives of the Hamilton Public Library, and the Art Gallery of Hamilton. Most importantly, this exhibition also celebrates the founding of the Hamilton Naturalists’ Club by a group of concerned community members who had the foresight to work to protect the area beginning 100 years ago.
Exhibitions The Jean & Ross Fischer Gallery
Cootes Paradise: A Place Above All Others
September 6 - December 1, 2019
From the Contemporary Art Collection
We run in packs 2015
DaveandJenn (David John Foy Canadian b. 1982; Jennifer Saleik German b. 1983)
resin, acrylic and oil paint, Purchase, Permanent Collection Fund, 2015
© Courtesy DaveandJenn