Docents are specially educated Volunteers who facilitate tour experiences for visiting groups of all ages. Each year, the AGH welcomes over 8,000 students for discovery tours, adult touring groups and public tours that take place several times a week. All of which would not be possible without our knowledgeable and much-appreciated Docents happily donating their time and bringing art to life for everyone they meet. Docent Dialogue, a regular feature of AGH Magazine, introduces some of these dedicated individuals to our readers.
Meet Louise Donnelly!

Length of time you’ve been a Docent: One year.
Life prior to Volunteering at the Gallery: Elementary school teacher, Volunteer at the Art Gallery of Burlington and the Burlington Performing Arts Centre.
Favourite work from the AGH Collection to share with visitors: The Lawren Harris paintings that were featured in the exhibition Collection Classics.
Most memorable tour: I toured a grade two class that was very engaged in hearing about the Gallery. We had some great discussions around the paintings in the Collections Classics exhibition and they offered some interesting insights about the paintings in the Staging Abstraction exhibition, particularly Fond Marin by Alfred Pellan.
If you could have dinner with three artists (of any era), they would be: David Milne, Rembrandt and Claude Monet.
Favourite local artist(s): Christopher Reid Flock (ceramist), Adam Matak, Donna Ibing, John Willard (fibre artist).
Other experiences (in downtown Hamilton or area) you think people would enjoy: The Art Gallery of Burlington.
Header Image: Installation view of Collection Classics, 2017. Photo: Art Gallery of Hamilton