As the end of Volunteer Appreciation Week draws near, we would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank our 120+ volunteers, without whom, the AGH would not be what it is today.
This year the AGH turns 105 years old, and for the first 33 years of that history, the organization was entirely volunteer-run. Over the past century, every aspect of the Gallery has been improved, and in many cases, entirely supported by our loyal and irreplaceable volunteers.
This past year alone, our volunteers have put an astounding 5975 hours of their time into the AGH. 2000 hours of docent-led tours, 1090 hours of film program support, and over 500 hours of youth support during summer camp are just a few examples of the time our volunteers have committed.
It’s also a little known fact that many of the pieces in our permanent collection were purchased by our Volunteer Committee. Below we have highlighted the most recent of these acquisitions – many of you will remember them from recent exhibitions such as Speaking for Herself (2018), 100 for the 100th (2014) and Terrors of the Breakfast Table (2014).

If you have ever visited the AGH you can credit an entire team of Volunteers for your experience: from Helen Hadden, the Librarian who built a library from scratch; the team of Docents offering tours to members, students of all ages and the general public; the Acquisition Committee members, who decide what artwork will grace our walls and our vaults; Visitor Services, Special Event and Shop at AGH volunteers, who welcome you when you arrive; to our Board of Directors, who ensure the viability of the institution for generations to come. AGH Volunteers are one of the Gallery’s most valuable assets.
From all of us here at the AGH, we want to extend our sincere thanks for your extraordinary contributions!