Here at the AGH, we are very proud of the collection of artworks we are fortunate enough to hold in our care. A curated selection of the over 10,000 pieces in our collection are on display on Gallery Level 2, accessible and free to everyone! One of the most asked-for works is an iconic sculpture: … Continued
Early Snow: Michael Snow 1947–1962 opened one week ago, and we are so excited to continue exploring the dozens of works spanning Snow’s early formative years from now until May 24! The exhibition features an ambitious range of media including painting, sculpture, film, video, and works on paper—all from the first fifteen years of his … Continued
Our Winter Exhibitions Opening took place this weekend! The opening featured our new Gallery Level 1 exhibitions, which include The Artist’s Dream: Works of French Symbolism, Early Snow: Michael Snow 1947–1962, and The Contemporaries. Did you miss the Opening? Enjoy this sneak peek into our new exhibitions! The Artist’s Dream: Works of French Symbolism brings … Continued
Opening February 1, The Artist’s Dream: Works of French Symbolism is our newest exhibition, exploring the Symbolist movement in late nineteenth-century France. The exhibition combines incredible works from the Joey and Toby Tanenbaum Collection together with loans from collections throughout Canada and the United States. We are so excited to welcome you in to the … Continued
Here at the AGH, we are very proud of the collection of artworks we are fortunate enough to hold in our care. From the over 10,000 pieces in our collection, we have selected a sampling to display in our exhibition The Collection on Gallery Level 2, accessible and free to everyone! Exploring a piece from … Continued