Online Activities

AGH at Home
Online Activities
Check out more AGH Activities here
Annie Pootoogook, Playing Super Nintendo, 2003-2004, ink, graphite and crayon on paper. Art Gallery of Hamilton, Acquired with the assistance of the Alfred Wavell Peene and Susan Nottle Peene Memorial, 2006. ©Dorset Fine Arts
Sketchbook Workshops
Follow along with our artist-hosted workshops from this summer to diversify your sketchbook!
Storytime at Home
Join Educational Outreach Manager Sara Dickinson for regular sessions of Storytime at Home, reading and enjoying a wide range of books for kids!
Virtual Tours: Fridays at Four
On the first Friday of every month, meet with some of our amazing docents for a virtual Zoom tour to learn about our exhibitions and dive into some of the rich and unexpected corners of the AGH’s amazing permanent collection.
From the Contemporary Art Collection

Red 1980
Barbara Astman (Canadian b. USA 1950)
colour print, Gift of the Volunteer Committee, 1981
© Courtesy Barbara Astman